
Sunday, April 14, 2013

[VIDEO] A modern samurai cut a bullet with his sword

A modern samurai cut a bullet with his sword!

Isao Machii is a modern samurai who can do some pretty impressive things with a sword. He can cut an 84 mph fastball in half. He also claims that he can cut a bullet! As you can see in this video, the gun in question is a BB gun, so Machii isn’t in any real danger. Still, the pellet moves faster than the human eye can see. Both of these feats are made more when you consider the fact that he unsheathes his sword before each cut. 

As you can see at 5:10, according to psychology tests taken at a laboratory, Machii does have above-average reaction times, but he’s not at all superhuman. This makes his strange abilities all the more amazing.

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